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Expat Center Twente


Jongbloed Fiscaal Juristen N.V. is partner of the Expat Center Twente. We commenced operations in 2005. Our service is characterised by a strong sense of entrepreneurship and fiscal creativity. Our emphasis is on specialist tax advice, so we don’t provide accounting or administration services. Tax is our specialty.

We provide expert advice in many fields, including the following:

  • Tax scans of companies
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Restructuring
  • Divorce
  • Estate planning
  • Emigration and immigration tax returns
  • International structures
  • Income tax returns and corporate tax

Our goal is always to optimise the tax position of our customer.

Expat Center Twente

The contact at Jongbloed Fiscaal Juristen N.V. for the Expat Center Twente is Sanne van den Elst.

As a tax advisor, Joris works on a daily basis guiding and advising individuals (and companies) who emigrate, as well as with foreign expats who come to the Netherlands to live and work (temporarily or permanently). He has specialised in this area since 2006, and has assisted hundreds of clients.

His services range from giving advice on the optimal arrangement of financial matters, to providing assistance in settling practical matters with the Dutch tax authorities.

These include income tax returns pertaining to both immigration and emigration, as well as matters regarding the 30% tax ruling. Our clients include employees of various European institutions, such as the ESA, diplomats and other employees covered by the 30% ruling. We assist them in tax planning and advice for their personal tax.

You can find more information here especially about our services for expats.

Click here to find out more about the Expat Center Twente and all the services they provide.

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Laatste update op 29-11-2017
Artikel gemaakt op 21-06-2013
Dit artikel (of blog of voorbeeldovereenkomst) is met aandacht en zorgvuldigheid geschreven, maar bevat informatie van algemene en informatieve aard. De informatie in dit artikel kan, afhankelijk van de omstandigheden van uw specifieke geval, niet of verminderd van toepassing zijn. De informatie in dit artikel dient derhalve niet als fiscaal/juridisch advies te worden beschouwd. Jongbloed Fiscaal Juristen N.V., haar medewerkers en of haar vestigingen/deelnemingen aanvaarden dan ook geen enkele aansprakelijkheid voor de gevolgen van het gebruik van de informatie uit het artikel.
U bevindt zich hier : Jongbloed Fiscaal Juristen Landendesk Expat Center Twente

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